Making It : 018 : A Startup Blog

Week in review w/ Therapeasy HQ

Jon Just
2 min readJun 12, 2020

Jun 1–12, 2020

*another 2 week bonus edition*

The world is different now than it was two weeks ago. This is a good thing. Let me re-phrase that. It’s a great thing. Change has long been overdue.

This blog will be different moving forward. While I still want to document my startup journey, it’s no longer interesting to me to simply write about what happened during the week. I’d rather share what I’m feeling, the ups and the downs. When you attempt to create something out of nothing, inevitably you will experience failure as well as success, and the full range of emotion that goes along with it. The lessons learned along the way, and how they make me feel. Now THAT is worth documenting.

I know this means that I will have to become vulnerable. I will have to remain honest, especially to myself. But as it’s been said many times before, if you are not uncomfortable then you are not growing.

I’m ready to grow.

Therapeasy is an online platform designed to help people get quickly connected to the most compatible mental health provider.

